Kalyana Karnataka Region Development Board

About the Program

The mission of the KKRDB is to achieve rapid inclusive growth and balanced regional development with social justice for the six districts coming under Kalyana Karnataka Region. The vision is to achieve this through Macro and Micro level planning by filling the historical developmental gaps in such a way that the centres of growth and the peripheries develop in tandem and in an interdependent manner. The KKRDB has adopted the Taluka as a unit, taking guidance from the Dr. Nanjundappa Report on Redressal of regional Imbalance. Funds for Micro Projects (60%) are allocated proportionate to the CDI (Comprehensive Deprivation Index) for that Taluka and must be spent on critical Infrastructure and institutional gaps. For Macro Projects (40%) funds are allocated sector wise by the Board, to fill gaps in Macro sectors identified according to scale or scope or a combination of the two.